People from Ebola stricken West African countries are reportedly trooping into South Africa in a bid to outrun the deadly virus sweeping their countries and this could place South Africa at risk.

Sunday Independent newspaper have reported that mostly people from Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, are trooping into the country after death tolls in their respective countries rose to 4,000.
According to some members of the immigrant communities of the affected countries living in the Joburg CBD, as well as a trader who travels between the region and here, there is a considerable number of people who are attempting to reach South Africa, most of them even embarked on an incredible trekking of 5,000km by land.
“I know of at least five people who are coming here from Conakry,” one man from Guinea told The Sunday Independent on Saturday.He also claimed that a dozen more of people have contacted him to inform they're trooping in from other West African countries, though this has not been confirmed.
In as much as South Africa is on high alert, only one infected person that would successfully invade the country will change the rhythm of the music for South Africa.
So, in confirmation of the SA government being on high alert, the Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi, who is in constant contact with the ambassadors of the affected countries said:
“We need to be prepared, and we are taking the necessary precautions. But the last thing we want to see is panic setting in and innocent immigrants becoming the victims of unnecessary xenophobia.”
Oh no, really??? Keep them away from us!