According to Mr Isuwa Adamu, who is the DG of the Nigerian Institute of Leather Science and Technology, Zaria, animal hides and skin which is locally known in Nigeria as 'Ponmo' is dangerous to the health.
Adamu warned against eating Ponmo because it has been proven scientifically that it has 'no nutritional value.'
“In fact, it is not advisable for you to consume ponmo in the sense that some of the animals killed and used for ponmo actually have skin diseases.
“Some of the animals because of the ailments that they have gone through, are sometimes treated by way of injection with chemicals.
“People don’t allow these chemicals to complete its cycle and be removed from the body; they sometimes go ahead to kill these animals.
“So, if you consume the ponmo, the tendency is that you are consuming the chemicals directly because the skin part of the animal retains most of the harmful substances.
“Remember your skin is the major protective organ of your body and your skin harbours so many of the harmful things that are supposed to penetrate into your body.He added that animal skin habours lots of waste materials that are harmful to the body and no matter how it is boiled, the toxic secretion hidden in it cannot be removed.
He also added that the institute are presently doing all they can to create more awareness in an attempt to reduce its consumption nationwide.
Tell dat 2 yorouba people dat luv pomon so much cuz its cheap in d market.