The hotel staff that caught him raised an alarm before the police arrived to discover the female victim laying unconscious on the floor with shocking facial injuries.
Officers then tackled Williams who was reportedly released from prison just two weeks ago with a high voltage Taser, knocking him to the floor.Moments later, he became unresponsive and died, despite efforts to save him.The woman also died from her injuries...
Jill Edwards, who lives near the hotel, said:
"This animal was eating this girl to death. He murdered her so police stopped him - good on them.Security said they told him no girls in his room and he didn't answer, when they opened his door he was eating her face."He was staying at the hotel, which operated as a bail hostel, and had taken his victim back there for a drink when the attack unfolded.
Lyn Beasley, who lives close to the hotel, said:
"He went Hannibal Lecter on the woman, he gouged her eyeball out, ate them and ate and half her face.He had just been released from prison and was high on coke."Police say his victim knew him and it wasn't a first meeting. He had just served half a five-year prison sentence for a violent attack on his partner who lives nearby.
Culled from UK Mirror.