Her name is Jasmine Tridevil, a 21-year-old massage therapist from Florida, USA who has three breasts.

Just like every other normal girl, Jasmine grew up with two breasts but started dreaming of having three at the age of thirteen.
She later got her wish by opting for plastic surgery, all thanks to $20,000.
But before then, Jasmine made contacts with about 50 plastic surgeons who were unable to do the job until she found one in Mexico who was equal to the task.
Unsurprisingly, her achievement has made her a celebrity after she landed for herself a reality show called My Third Boob. The show centers around her daily life as a woman with three breasts.
When asked why she opted for the surgery, she said:
I got it because I wanted to make myself unattractive to men. Because I don’t want to date anymore. Men are big assholes.She also added that her parents were shocked when they saw her and have since then stopped talking to her.
What do you think about her? Cool or Not Cool?